The Rose collection flower essences
the rose essences and rose combinations have each been chosen for thier ability to help you to release all that is not love within your heart chakra and to inspire you to live your life from the perspective of the heart they offer you a unique opportunity to balance your heart chakra and to expand your ability to live in love
Awakening the heart
Awakening the heart
just as the sun is invisable to us on a cloudy day so the love within our hearts can become shrouded by past pain and sorrow until we have all but forgotton that it is there this rose essence combination will help to gently dissolve and release old issues and carefully erected barricades, so that the vibrations of love and joy can rawaken within your heart chakra.
combination of:- rosa deep secret, rosa blue moon, iceburg rose and gentle hermoine rose.
Heartfelt forgiveness
Heartfelt forgiveness
this combiantion carries the vibration of forgiveness deep into your heart chakra helping to bring into awreness any past events or situations that still require forgivenness either of yourself or another to allow your heart chakra to fully open you can call upon the ruby red ray of forgiveness into your heart while you take this combination to help you see the higher perspective of these old memories so that you can forgive and move on.
combination of:- ruby red rose, rosa de l'hay, rosa deep secret and peace rose.
this rose essence combination focuses the vibrations of purity and peace deep within the heart chakra helping you to release and transmute buried feelings of unworthiness shame fear or anger held within this is a particulary supportive combination for anyone who has suffered abuse either in this life or another.
combination of:- irene of denmark rose, perdita, peace and handel
this essence combination holds the vibrational frequency of unconditional love and will take you deep within your own heart chakra to connect with the infinite source of love that is anchored there allow it to help you expand your spark of divine unconditional love and connect you more fully with the radiance of your true self this is the essence to take when you feel that your heart is ready to open more fully, rather like a rose bud that is poised, awaiting the moment to open into a beautiful bloom. the essence will help to clear away any shadows or old patterns that might prevent you from being able to do this, so that your love and radiance can shine forth with ease.
combination of:- compassion, perdita, gentle hermoine and ruby red
the blue moon rose is a beautiful and most unusually coloured rose that offers us the opportunity to resolve heart chakra blockages caused by long forgotton issues from the past often these are painful old heart wounds that we have relegated to the shadowy regions of awareness and which are now forming elusive pockets of resisitance as we try to expand our heart consciousness old wounds can be caused by many issues but the one thing they have lead us to close down our hearts and to beleive that there is something wrong with us whcih we must hide away from others aswell as ourselves because the orginal intention was based on self persavation it can sometimes be hard to bring these ild issues out of the shadows to dissolve themthis would be a good essence to take if you feel that theres something limiting your ability to live from the fullness of your heart, but you dont yet have a full picture of what it is.
this gorgeous rose has a big energy that speaks of excitement and expansion it helps us to feel what is like to to live fully in our hearts and to view life from that perspective in order to be able to do this consistently we must leave behind the parameters transcribed by our everyday mind that limit our connection with our true self and begin to live from our heart and inner wisdom use this essence to help you move deeper into your heart consciousness and to forge a stronger link between your heart chakra and higher mind this will help to easier for you to connect with your inner wisdom and to experiance feelings of expansion joy or inner certainity and the full potential of your unlimited self.compassion rose is a good essence to take when youve temporaily lost your passion for life, feel unsure of your direction or purpose, or disconnected from your inner knowing.
this is a great essence to use when you need to clear away old limitations that prevent you from living fully in the magic of the heart it works in the lowest section of the heart chakra to help clear away any old energies that are restricting your ability to live fully from the heart it helps to bring about a better balance between the soalr plexus chakra and heart chakra so that your personal power is always aligned withe wisdom of the heart take this flower essence if you find yourself stuck in a mental loop where your everyday mind is in charge and your struggling to work things out from a limited perspective. it will help you to expand your awareness and move into the effortless wisdom of your heartwhere the answers present themselves.
the gentle hermoine essence will take you deeply into the consciousness of your heart and assist you to gently unfold and expand the petals of your heart chakra in the process it will help you to dissolve anything that is preventing you from seeing yourself as worthy of love its also a wonderful essence to use when you need a reminder of how to reconnect with and nurture the spark of divine unconditional love that is a constant presence deep within all of outr hearts. use this essence when you feel seperate and alone and have forgotton that unconditional love is an infinite resource that is freely available to all of us when we open ourselves to it. gentle hermione essence helps you to remember that love is infinite and abundantly available to you.
this essence is valuable for those working with issues caused by repression or misperception of psychic gifts in previous lifetimes this includes fear or reluctance of allowing your psychic gifts to be seen due to experiances of persecution in past lives. this is a good essence to use when you are seeking to expand your telepathis and pyschic abilities. the supportive, grounding and stabalizing effects of this essnce are particulary helpful for anyone finding they need support to stay emotionally balanced during this process.
the vibration of this beautiful rose helps to dissolve feelings of unworthiness and reminds us of our own value beauty and magnifinance this is a wonderful essence to use at those times when we are tempted to make ourselves 'small' by hiding our light refusing to reconise ours gifts or heisitating in some way to step into our empowerment the energy of this essence works through the heart chakra to promote the qualities of strength, courage, and positive self-value. take handel rose essnce to help you to release those debilitating states of 'less than' and 'not good enough', so that you can fully embrace your true nature.
iceburg is a wonderful essence to take when you begin to reconise that due to painful experiances in the past you have erected defensive barriers around your heart that sre now making you feel lonely seperate isolated from others or blocking your ability to be open to the flow of abundance available to us on all levels use iceburg rose essence to help dissolve the old pain and sorrow that has created barriers around your heart so that you can open to recieve lifes gifts and opportunities more freely.
irene of denmark essence works powerfully in the heart chakra to clear away the energetic scars that can be created by experiances of mistreatment boundary violations or abuse of power in all of its many forms use this essence when you need support to clear away and dissolve memories and fears that relate to past experiances of persecution attack or violation of human rights of any kind that have left you feeling ashamed or disempowered as you dissolve the old patterening and traumatising memeories greater balance is acheived and these issues no longer have any power over you. use the irene of denmark essence to help restore your sense of sovereignty by reminding you of your inherant purity, wholeness, perfection and divinity.
just joey is a beautiful vibrant golden orange coloured rose that positively lights uo the garden with its energy and presence. when it is made into a flower essence it encapsulates the vibrations of joy and playfulness its an excellent essence to use when you feel that life is getting you down and you want to lift your spirits use the just joey essence when you want to experiance the vibration of joy more fully in your life or feel a bit lacking in creativity. let it open your heart and expand your capacity to feel the simple of joy of just being alive. its vibrations will help to dispel any lower vibrational frequencies that might be diminishing your capacity to be joyful aswell as stimulating creativity and freedom to be yourself.
this essence is offering us a visual reminder of the power of love and the constant need to nurture the flame of love within our own heart centre no matter what might be happening in the world around us. use this essence to help you transmute any vibrations of fear that have become stuck in your heart chakra, and which now make it difficult for you to embody the vibration of peace. as these old vibrations are dissolved your heart chakra will open more fully and like the beautiful blooms of the peace rose, will radiate the vibrations of peace around the world.
this is a wonderful flower essence for anyone who struggles with feelings of shame or perhaps feels 'stained' by life in some way. most of us have been exposed to old patterning that leaves this kind of imprint during our many life experiances on earth and it can sometimes feel very real and difficult to move past these are often disempowering inherited ancestral patterns that are embedded in our consciousness limiting our ability to connect with the truth of who we are. use the perdita rose flower essence to help dispel old patterns, promote the qualities of purity and unconditional love, and remind you of the radiance of your true being.
the energies of regenburg rose made into a flower essence help to promote a stronger alighnment between the heart chakra and all the other upper body chakras so that you have a clearer connection with your soul wisdom and inner guidance from the perspective of the soul it is much easier to see beyond the old story that is keeping you stuck so that new possiablities and opportuniaties become visiable this is a wonderful flower essence to take when you are feeling uncertain or lacking in clarity about what is right for you in a particular situation it is also great if you want to expand your connection with your soul and true self.
rosa de l'hay essence is a partuclary good essence to take if you have temporarily lost your centre and are feeling unsure of what is right for you in some area of life or feel that you need to connect more fully with the deep inner knowing found within the consciousness of the heart and the present moment this essence helps to promote greater alignment between the heart and the crown chakras to inspire the transformation of everyday belief into the certainity of inner knowing found in the heart take it to inspire you to live more fully in the magical flow of wonder that is present in each moment
the ruby red rose is a focus for the energies of the ruby red ray of forgiveness one of the rays of creation connected with christ consciousness a fifth dimensional state of awareness based in universal uncondtional love and unity.
this essence works deeply into the heart chakra to help dissolve old emotional pain and to remind you how to accept and forgive yourself. it can help you to feel at peace with yourself and comfortable in your own skin.
use this flower essence to help you gently transform any painful old memories sorrow grief guilt or judgement that might be making it difficult for you to open your heart to yourself as this old resisitance clears away the essence will help you to bring the vibrations of forgiveness and compasiion deeply into the recesses of the heart chakra so that you can let go and move on.
this beautiful bright rose holds the vibrations of strength and courage. sunblest rose essence will take you deep into your heart and remind you howto tap into your reserves of inner strength courage determination and resisiliance it will also strengthen your ability to gather your focus back within yourself when you feel scattered by the everyday challenges of life. its energy carries a powerful reminder of how stepping into the power of love can help us to meet lifes challenges with greater ease. use sunblest essence when you need to connect more deeply with your own inner truth wisdom and determination or to expand your sense of inner security.
use this essence to enhance your ability to reach far into the multidimensional realms and to transfer energies and information to and from them in expanded ways. this is an excellent essence to take when you are seeking to expand your consciousness and develop your psychic abilities its also good to use to dissolve past life issues and patterns in this life. this is very much a flower essence for our time now as we expand and grow in consciousness at a rapid rate.use this essence to expand your capacity to walk between worlds and communicate with other dimensional information streams. its useful for channelling, meditating, shamanic journeying and other similar spiritual practices that take you into quantum worlds.
a set of all 20 rose collection essences and rose collection combinations in an attractive card presentation box. the essences in this set have each been chosen for their ability to help you release all that is not love within your heart chakra and to inspire you to live your life from the perspective of the heart.
What are the rose flower essences?
the consciousness of the heart chakra is one of balance and unity and brings the gifts of inner peace serenity connection and unconditional love. there are sixteen single rose essences and four rose combinations each helping you to rebalance or release any blocked energies stuck in your heart chakra.