Rainbow light body essences


the rainbow light body essences are very high frequency finely tuned clearing and activation tools designed to assist in the development of our light body or mer ka ba each of the essences in this set was created by a unique process resulting in a set of twelve very powerful essences that provide exactly the support we need now as we seek to assimulate higher and higher frequencies of light into our energetic systems.

the etheric body is our energetic blueprint so it is essential for our wellbeing that this subtle body is strong and vibrant. the etheric body can be adversely affected by shock, trauma or drugs as well as unclear energies filtering down from other subtle bodies. this essence will help to strengthen, clear and stabalise this very important subtle body.

this essence will promote a fast clearance of buried emotional patterns emotional energy is a powerful creative force literally energy in motion our emotional responses to life can be based on unconscious negative belief patterns thta continue to fuel our emotional response untill they are released and cleared many people are afraid of thier emotions particulary those that they consider 'negative' and unconsciously suppress them creating a build up of stuck energy that blocks the stuck energy that blocks the subtle energysystem and chakra points

this essence helps to clear negative thought patterns and core beliefs held in the lower mental body as the lower mental body becomes more balanced and open we are able to recieve spiritual inspiration guidance and ideas from the higher mental body

the causal body vibrates at one of the highest frequencies of all our subtle bodies and holds the 'blueprint' for our life plan on the higher levels it also contains any previous incarnational energies or qualities needed to help guide or be worked on in a particular lifetime the causal body essence helps to align and intergrate all the other subtle bodies bringing forward more spiritual and personality growth through the activation of this portal to higher consciousness it will help with the development of psychic awreness clairvoyance telepathy and possible memories of previous incarnations this essence will promote feelings of peace stability and inner security thus helping us to move forward into a higher vibrational frequency

this subtle energy point is about 9" below the feet in a direct line with the base chakra and hara. activating the earth star is important as it is our alighnment point with mother earth and the magnetic grid and allows us to effectivly ground and focus energy being properly grounded in this way is essential for us to attune fully with our higher selfs ascended masters heaven and other star systems AS ABOVE SO BELOW

this subtle energy point is above the higher chakras over the crown. when activated it is alighned with the soul, all 'higher' energies, star systems and the universe, allowing a greater amount of soul energy, guidance and healing to reach the mind and body. it is often good to take this essence just before going to bed as it can activate dream recall and conscious remembrance of contact with spirits or guides while sleeping.

the hara is a subtle energy centre just below the navel (not the sacral chakra!) activating this centre creates focus on the need to be divine will in action we cannot complete our soul purpose or activate our light body when this centre is weak or inoperative hara activation promotes a sense of true purpose and fufilment as well as a greater sense being centred in the physical body. this energy point resonates with the spleen chakra 

the thymus subtle energy point must be fully functioning for us to activate our light body. the ancient spiritually attuned civilizations all had this energy point fully functioning and recognised its true purpose as the higher 'heart' centre chakra point. divine love and compassion for all sentient beings comes from the development of this centre.

this essence helps to integrate and balance the inner masculine and inner feminine energies. it is essential that the intuitive feminine aspect of us functions as an equal partner with the logical masculineaspect.

this essence will stimulate the crystalline properties of the etheric blueprint and help to awaken soul memories of the crystalline light body, bringing more conscious awareness.

this essence helps to bring a more conscious connection to our I Am presence, or higher self, opening the way for us to learn to hear, feel, see or know our own inner guidance and wisdom in a more profound way. our soul is then more able to guide us to make choices that are for our highest divine good thus bringing us more peace and joy this essence will also help to promote deeper, more powerfully profound meditation experiances making it easier for us to us to slip into that deep space where we become one with mother-father god and all creation

the merkaba is the spiritualised auric field merged with the higher self, and can only be activated when the heart chakra is fully open. merkaba activation allows us to dematerialise or teleport the physical body from one location to another, a process used by advanced beings, ascended masters etc. the merkaba essence can only reawaken and activate the light body when all the issues covered by the other essences in the set have been worked with.

the rainbow light essence sets are a complete set of all twelve rainbow light body essences. this set comes in a attractive card presentation box together with an instruction leaflet. the rainbow light essences are very high frequency, finely tuned clearing and activation tools designed to assist in the development of your light body or mer ka ba

More on the rainbow light body essences


our ability to activate our light body is dependant upon our ability to allow our energetic and subtle bodies to completely resonate with the light and love of higher consciousness. each of the powerful essences in this set of twelve will assist you to clear balance and activate a particular subtle body or energy point and bring you closer to the activation of your mer ka ba or light body.

What are the rainbow light body essences


each of the light body essences in this set was created by aunique process that included the use of grid layouts of special crystals programmed with the light body information by the sirians at the fall of atlantis together with chanelled rays of energy from the ascended masters the result is a set of twelve very powerful essences that provide exactly the support we need as we seek to assimilate higher and higher frequencies of light into our energetic systems