How to use flower & vibrational essences


bach flower remedies and flower, gem & crystal essences are simple and easy to use


flower and vibrational essences are natures gift. each essence carries the unique and beautiful energies of a particular flower gem crystal mineral or geometric shape in liquid form so when you use a flower or vibrational essence you are benefiting from the positive and balancing energy or vibrational frequency of the flower gem or crystal that was used to make the essence


here is the expert guide on how to use flower & vibrational essences and how to make the most out of taking your essences 


How do i use essences for change & transformation?


you can use flower and vibrational essences as a catalyst for change and transformation and to facilitate balance harmony spiritual growth and a deeper connection with yourself at all levels essences are a fantastic support in any situation where there is a lack of wellbeing in some aspect of your life be that energetic emotional mental or spiritual


you can use essences to help you to deal with a whole range of different isseues such as worries uncertainities  grief feeling ungrounded feeling guilty or angry etc or you might  use an essence because you feel that you might need to develop more self love soul connection or intuition or to balance yourself at an energetic level i.e your chakras and subtle bodies


flower and vibrational essences can bring a high level of support and personal transformation so use them to release any blocks that you are facing in life any old patterns feelings and emotions that are stuck or to facilitate a change and transformation in any aspect of your life essences are a wonderful tool kit for change and spiritiual growth


How do i use my essences?


taking an flower or vibrational essence is very simple they are normally taken orally 4 drops on or under the tongue from the dropper bottle


a good tip is to allow the essence to mix with the saliva in your mouth for a few moments before swallowing its usually best to take your essence at least 10 minutes away from food to maintain the quality of your essence make sure that the glass dropper not touch your tongue or the essence might become contaminated


if your using a spray essence then you can either spray it liberally in your auric field or alternatively any of the spray essences can also be used orally


some tips for working with your essence:


  • giving yourself time everyday to connect with how you are thinking and feeling is really important


  • allow whatever old emotions thoughts and feelings that you carry to come more into your conscious awareness so that they can release and clear through


  • taking time to breath and centre yourself in your heart is a great way to deepen your connection with yourself and how you are feeling


  • being very mindful of how you are reacting to the people and situations in your life


consciously working with the essences that you are taking in this way is a powerful way to speed up the change you are trying to facilitate.


How do flower essences work?


what happens when i take my essence?


each essence carries a unique energy or vibrational frequency which helps to remind your mind emotion body and spirit of its natural harmony and balance essences work with you at an energetic level and on all levels of being from balancing core emotions and thought patterns through to opening up channels of spirtiual wisdom and transforming old blocks in your bodies chakras and subtle energy systems.


what to expect when taking your essences


flower and vibrational essences invite you into deeper connection with yourself so each time you take your essence take a few deep breaths and slow down to notice how youre feeling connecting with how youre feeling and whats coming up for you is a great way of conscoiusly working with the essence and releasing and transforming any old thoughts feelings or energies that need clearing essences affect different people in different ways sometimes an essence will have an immediate effect and you will feel a shift almost straight away at other times the shifts happen on a subtle level over a longer time as old patterns and layers are peeled away like the layers of an onion.


 typical adult dosage for our essences would be as follows:


  • bach flower remedy treatment level combination: 4 drops on the tongue 8 x a day until the bottle is finished


  • single essences: angel essences archangel essences rose essences take 4 drops on the tongue 3-4 x a day until the bottle is finished


  • combination essences: divine harmony essences chakra essences rose collection combinations take 4 drops on the tongue 3-4 x a day until the bottle is finished


  • combination sprays: for external use: spray liberally into the auric field 4 x a day. for internal use: 2 sprays on the tongue upto 4 x a day until the bottle is finished for longer lasting transformation or use 'as needed' for ongoing support.


  • rainbow light body essences: 4 drops on the tongue 1-2 x a day until the bottle is finished.


Using flower essences with children:


children respond very quickly to vibrational essences so it is important to choose the most appropriate type of essence when using them with children particulary babies or with very young children.


when choosing an essence for a child remember that no matter what the issue is that your working with you are simply looking for an essences that will help to bring them greater balance in how they are thinking and feeling and to re balance them at a energetic level


children 0-7 years of age


for this age range it is recommended that you only use bach flower remedies a well chosen combination of max. 5 bach flower rememdies will very quickly help to bring babies and younger children back into balance 


most children enjoy taking thier drops directly onto thier tongues however you could also add them to thier drinks 4 drops 4 x a day is normally enough at this age for babies the remedies can be added to thier bath water or dabbed on thier pulse points.


here are a few suggestions to help you get started:


  • agrimony larch and mimulus- for the generally fearful and timind child


  • vervain- helpful for the hyperactive state


  • holly walnut and vine- for temper tantrums


  • chicory willow and holly- for sibling rivalry


  • clematis- helpful for the dreamy inattentive child


children 8-12 years of age


bach flower remedies are very effective with this age group however it is suggested that you increase the frequency of the dosage to 4 drops 6 x a a day


children age 12 onwards


after the age of twelve you can start to introduce the following flower essences:


  • divine harmony essences
  • chakra essences 
  • rose collection combinations


however it is recommended that you reduce the dose to 4 drops 2 or 3 x a day


please note:


using vibrational essences is not a substitute for qualified medical attention


How long do i take my essence for?


the time it takes an essence to work can vary considerably depending on how sensitive you are to essences and on how deeply held the emotions/mental pattern issue or state is.


generally it is recommended taking an essence until the bottle is finished sometimes an essence will have an immediate effect and you will feel a shift almost straight away at other times the process happens on a subtle level over a longer period of time as the old patterns and layers are peeled away like the layers of a onion.


when you take an essence over a longer period of time it reaches into different levels and layers of your conscoiusness mind emeotions spirit and energy field for greater balance and transformation.


How to choose an essence


choosing the essences that will be most helpful for you is often simply a process of self reflection and observation what is going on for me? how am i thinking and feeling? what emotions do i need help with? where are the energetic blocks within me? remember that no matter what the issue is that you are working with you are simply looking for the essences that will help you bring greater balance to how you are thinking and feeling to you at an energetic level essences can be chosen rationally or intuitively or by a combination of both methods experiment to find out what works for you best


How many essences can i take at once


how many bach flower remedies can i use at once?


  • you can take the bach flower remedies singly or you can use them in combinations of upto 7-8 remedies


angel essences


  • you can take these seperately as it is often more powerful to work with each angel seprately


each of these is a powerful combination of at least 5 different essences so its recommended that you take these one at a time and do not take any essences other than bach flower remedies at the same time.


Can i take too much or overdose. are there any side effects?


flower essences work at an energetic level helping to bring about deep change and transformation but they dont interact with you at a physical level in the way that pharmaceutical drugs do the 'active ingrediants' in an essence are the natural subtle vibrational frequencies of the flower gem or crystal used to make the essence it is these subtle energies that help you to balance how you are thinking and feeling and help to re balance your bodies subtle energy system so when you take an essence you cant overdose in the way that you could a pharmaceutical drugs because the interaction between the essence and your body is completley different to the interaction between your body and a pharmaceutical drug.


however that is not to say that if you take an essence too often you wont necessarily notice it! if you overuse a deeper acting essence or you use too many at one time you might feel that it can feel quite uncomfortable and the emotional and energetic clearing process and sometimes the issues youre working with can seem to be over amplified this simply means that the clearing process is being triggered too quickly so review how often you are taking the essence and how many essences you are taking at one time.


flower and vibrational essences only help to release patterns or issues that you already carry they will not create an inverse reaction in you. unlike chemical medicines vibrational essences are basically self adjusting and if you choose an essensce that you do not really need it will simply cancel itself out in your bodys energy system.


How long will my essence last?


  • 10ml bottles: there are approximately 200 drops in a 10ml bottle this equates to about 50 doses (4 drops on tongue) and when used 4 drops 4 x a day will last approximately 12.5 days


  • 25ml bottles: there are approximately 550 drops in a 25ml bottle this equates to about 136 doses (4 drops on a tongue) and when used 4 drops 4 x a day will last approximately 34 days.


  • 15ml bottles (rainbow light body) this equates to about 75 doses (4 drops on the tongue) and when used 4 drops 4 x a day will last approximately 19 days


  • 30ml spray: there are approximately 230 sprays per 30ml bottle

Have been using essences but i am not sure whether they are working?


essences affect people differently sometimes an essence will have an immediate and very obvious effect and you will feel a shift almost straight away and sometimes it can be less immediantly obvious how its working if you are comparetiviley new to taking essences you may find it is a little while before you notice big changes in yourself essences work slowly and subtly over a period of time so be paitient and know that change is taking place gradually very often if you look back over a period of few months of taking essences you will be able to see a change in the way you react to the situations and events in your life which is new and positive you may notice that situations or dynamics which previuosly bothered you are no longer an issue


How do i store my essences?


it is best to store essences in a cool dark place away from excessive heat such as fires and radiators do not place near tvs microwaves computer screens mobile phones hi fi speakers or magnets looked after in a right way the essences will last for many years


Essences & conventional medicine


essences are not intended to replace medical treatment  where necessary however they can be used in conjuction with and as a compliment to almost any other form of treatment