All about the flower essences and vibrational essences


Essences support your inner journey of change and transformation


What do flower essences help with?


balancing your mind , body and spirit


flower essences and gem crystal and mineral essences are collectivley known as vibrational essences and help you to re connect with the power of your heart and the wisdom of the soul essences are catalysts for change and can take you straight to the heart  of an issue. helping you to release old emotions thought patterns beliefs and subtle energies they support your emotional and psychological wellbeing helping you to create change at an energetic level from the inside out. this inner journey takes you into your heart connecting you more deeply and intimately with who you truly are creating a lasting change in your life and a ripple of change in the world around you.


What are flower & vibrational essences?


using the power of nature to help you to grow and evolve


we are inherently attuned to the natural world and respond to its energetic vibrations because we are so much part of nature ourselves each flower gem mineral crystal or geometric shape in nature has its own unique vibrational frequency or energetic signature and we can often sense these subtle energetic frequencies even if we're not consciously aware of it. vibrational essences carry these unique and beautiful energies in liquid form. so when you use an essence it is the beautiful subtle energies of nature that work to bring about deep change in your life using natures amazing apothecary in this way is a very natural and deeply connected in away of supporting your inner growth and evolution. 


Flower essences-nature in a bottle!


flower essences are natures gift to us


a flower carries the highest vibrational frequency of a plant or tree it is the most vibrant alive and energetic expression of its life force energy we can often feel this and its resonance with our own energy system when we sit in the presence of a beautiful rose or in a field of wild flowers a flower essence simply holds the imprint of these beautiful energies in liquid form when you use a flower essence it is these positive balancing and higher vibrational frequencies that help you to step more into the fullness of who you are and to come more in alignment within yourself at a deeper and more profound level.


flower essences have a very particular and powerful way of helping you this might be your core emotions thought patterns and beliefs or other imbalances within your energy field releasing these old patterns ways of being and ways of seeing the world can deeply enhance your sense of being and help you to transcend your old limitations and fufill your highest potential


when you take a flower essence its positive energy flows into your energetic system and helps to release old and low vibrational emotions thoughts and feelings such as fear anger guilt grief etc. helping them to clear away and release. essences always positivley affect lower vibrational frequencies in whatever form so they will help you to raise your vibrationalfrequency and retune and realign any areas of imbalance this means that flower essences can help you in lots of ways from balancing core emotions and thought patterns through to opening up channels of spiritual wisdom and treansforming old blocks in your bodys chakras and subtle systems


dr edward bach who is often known as the father of modern flower essences said of his remedies that: "they are able, like beautiful music, or any gloriously uplifting thing which gives us inspiration, to raise our very natures, and bring us nearer to our souls: and by that very act bring us peace and relieve our sufferings."


When would i use a flower essence?


flower essences can be used in any situation where there is a lack of well being in some aspect of your life be that energetic mental or spiritual in our experiance people often turn to essences when they feel stuck want to transform challenging issues in thier life or when they want to expand thier spiritual connection.


flower essences are a versatile powerful and transformative way of working with all of these issues they help and support your inner journey in whatever form it takes helping you to create a meaningful and lasting change in your life and a ripple of change in the world around you.