The divine harmony essences


divine harmony is a state of inner balance in which mind emotions and spirit work together as an integrated whole and its foundation for the creation of greater peace love joy self empowerment and wellbeing in our lives. the divine harmony essences provide you with the tools that can help you to restore the balance between mind emotions and spirit allowing you to manifest your own highest potential.

use this essence to help stregthen your auric field and decrease over-sensitivity which is a big issue for many people one that is often experianced as a vulnerabilty weak energetic boundaries can lead to feelings of being under attack from other peoples thought forms an inability to know which emotions are actually ours in emotionally charged situations and a tendecy to feel drained in crowded situations.

use this essence to help you stay fully present and focused in the now moment. the habit of 'by passing' the present moment in life is a very common one however to be in the driving seat of our lives we need to be grounded focused and willing to be fully present with whatever presents its self in life especially in todays ever changing energy flow staying grounded and focused ensures that we do not simply act out old patterns through lack of attention but instead offer ourselves the opportunity to make new choices based what is currently presenting itself in our lives.

promotes clarity of thought and the ability to be objective. this is the essence for those who all too easily find themselves going round and round in thier minds in that frustrating state of confucion where you simply cannot 'see the wood for the trees' it helps to relax the mental body dissolve 'mental blocks' and encourage the mind to expand so that you recoonectwith greater clarity and positive perspective avaiable from your soul and higher mind also helpful for anyone who has a tendancy to lose thier sense of humour in times of challenge or is prone to hysterical emotional outbursts

promotes concentration and the ability to focus. in todays busy world there are endless distractions that encourage us to focus our attention outside of ourselves as a result the ability to maintain inner focus and concentration has become something that many experiance difficulty in acheiving when required use the concentration combination to stimulate focus and concentration reduce scattered thinking and promote the ability to centre your awareness within yourself this is an excellent combination to assisit students studying for exams.

promotes greater confidence and self assurance lack of confidence in our own abilities can affect our capapcity to move forward in life because we do not feel free to give ourselves permission to try new things often the development of self confidance has not been nurtured and encouraged in childhood leaving an underlying legacy of inadeqecy this essence will help to heal undelying issues and restore a state of positive self confidance.

promotes the free flow of natural creativity true creativity comes from the flow of inspiration avaiable from our soul when mind and emotions are balanced and our heart chakra is open to recieve creativity is the quality of the feminine intuitive aspect of ourselves and easily becomes blocked when this is not respected and understood to express our creativity fully we must also be prepared to reconize and value our own individuality lack of this understanding an an education sysytem that values logical over intuitive creativity has left many of us frustrated and dissillusioned about our creative abilities this essence will help to transform these old energies and free up your natural creativity.

promotes the ability to make clear, concise decisions this si animportant essence for anyone with the tendancy to put off making important decisions or needs to seek support from others to justify thier choices before they are finalised this essence will help to release the underlying issues and restore the positive quality of decisiveness

promotes the ability to stay emotionally calm and balanced this essence is for those who experiance volatile emotions excessive mood swings or have difficulty remaining calm and balanced in emotionally charged situations if we are uncomfoatble with the expression of our own emotions especially those that we consider less than positive they end up becoming buried which can create imbalances in both sacral and solar plexus chakras this essence will help to promote a gentle release of buried emotions creating a firm foundation for greater emotional balance as well as a release of discomfort in the solar plexus chakra

dissolves the belief that 'the world is not a safe place' the unconsciousness beleif that the world is not a safe place is a deep rooted and debilliatating pttern in many people it effectively blocks our ability to reconise our connection with the universe flow and contributes to feelings of seperation and vulnerabilty sometimes this beleif has its roots in experiances of sudden death loss or trauma from previous incarnations  or to a event in childhood that we have have been unable to understand a very common manisfestation of this belief is a vague unjustafiable feeling that something dreadful is just around the corner this combination will gently help to release and dissolve this old pattern leaving you free to see life from a new perspective

promotes inner nurturing and self worth this is the essence for those who easily feel inferior to others very sensitive to critiscism or perhaps have an unexplaniable sense of incompleteness if we do not recieve enough nurturing and a positive image of ourselves from our parents in childhood it can be difficult to reconise our innate value and self worth for ourselves when we grow up this leads to uncomfortable feelings of 'never being good enough' sense of being not okay in some indefinable way defence patterns such as needing to be right or a need to feel better than others in order to feel comfortable with this state.

take this essence to help you embody your feminine qualities more fully this combiantion will help to clear away any barriers predjuices or patterns that have formed in the personality around the perception of the feminine principle that might prevent full acceptance and use of this energy in your life this applies equally to men as it does to women.feminine qualities tend to be those asscosiated with the less logical side of our nature such as creativity intuition wisdom open heartedness and sharing the wounded feminine often makes herself known in the shape of a difficult relationship with the birth mother or mother figures in general. resisitance to fully honouring feminine qualities such as intuition nurturing and creativity within yourself or others together with a sense of injustice andger or perhaps fear around the way women have been treated in the past might also be indications of damamge to the inner feminine energy

take this essence to help you forgive and move on guilt is the emotion created when we are unable to forgive ourselves for some past action or situation usually the orginal cause is long buried in our unconscious leaving us with a deep unexplained need to make repayment in some way. when we are unabke to forgive ourselfs we may find it difficult to forgive others this combination helps to promote a greater sense of unconditional love for self and others transforming feelings of guilt and seperation and bringing a greater connection to source

an excellent support for anyone working with issues related to abuse deeply buried trauma from past situations of abuse can create an unconscious belief pattern thst 'things happen to me' or 'im a victim of circumstance' like all beliefs this can be a self fufilling prophecy that draws in further experiances of the same courage compassion and forgiveness are required to release these old memories and change the patterns in these days of rising awreness it is not an uncommon experiance for previously suppressed childhood memories of abuse of one of a kind or another to begin to surface for some these memories relate to past life experiances in either case this essence will gently release old buried emotions and asscociated beliefs patterns so that you are free to make new choices

an excellent support for all situations of bereavement and loss grief is a powerful emotion one that many people are unawre that they carry at an inconscious level a deep loss whether casused by death divorce or in some other way can leave a shock in our energetic system buried grief can often be rconised as a sense of unexplained sadness in the heart or perhaps as a fear of making real heart connection with someone in case the pain of loss is repeated as these old memories are released and transformed it becomes easier to openour hearts and renew our connection with the wholeness of life.

provides support for emotional issues relating to family situations, past and present if our early family life provides situtions that we percieve as emotionally challenging or painful in some way such as berevement or divorce we can help develop barriers to communication and trust that unconsciously affect us in later life use this essence to help clear and transmute these old memories.

provides support for anyone finds interpersonal relationships challenging everything in our lives is in some way a reflection of our own consciousness and our close relationships are no exception many of us carry deep heart wounds gathered from our experiances in past relationships that we carry forward unconsciously into our current relationships. these block our ability to sustain an intimate loving relationship because we are not able to give and recieve love in a truly open hearted way defence patterns then build up in the relationship creating barriers to intimacy as each person projects thier painful expectations onto the other. this combiantion will help you to release these old patterns and encourage greater love and trust in close relationships.

promotes a greater sense of inner security and wellbeing fear is  an energy deeply buried in the human collective consciousness and that can affect all of us from time to time its a state that is directly related to our loss of awareness of ourselves as an indvisable part of the universe that has love as its foundational energy leaving us with buried traumas that continue to be the source of everday fears until the energy is transformed

helps to restore the core emotions of faith and trust doubt is the an emotion created by the loss of conscious understanding of our connection to the whole when our consciousness closes down we become isolated and marooned in the personaility without access to the greater picture of life. for some this is debiliatating emotion comes to the fore when the events of life are apparntly not going the way the personality feels it should doubt can also be one of the defence mechanisms used unconscoiusly by the personality to avoid the need for change this essence will help transform doubt onto inner certainity helping you to see life from a wider perspective

use this essence to help deepen your experiance of meditation for most people some form of contemplation or meditation is an essential part of building a strong connection between personality and soul the common goal of all forms of meditation is to still the mind and calm the emotions in order to leave a space in which we can open heartedly connect with the wisdom of the soul it requires intention focus and practice and it can be all too esy to allow the distractions of the outer world to draw you away from your inner focus this combination will help you to find the inner pathways that will deepen your experiance of meditation bringing a greater sense of centeredness and alignment with your soul

use this essence to help promote tolerance and personal freedom the  energy of intolorence in its unbalnced form carries the potential for us to be both judgemental and critical either of others or ourselves intolerance is very common emotion today since we live in a society that strongly identifies with the polarities of 'right' and 'wrong' for most of us this patterning was reinforced by our upbringing in childhood opening our heart and extending tolerance to ourselves allows us to remember that there is no right or wrong way of doing things simply a choice in each moment of how we express ourselves it becomes easier to extend it to others. 

use this essence to help you slow down and switch off inner harmony is a state created when the heart and mind work together in a balanced partnership in which the knowing of the heart is given equal status with that of the mind. in todays actively orientated society the reconigtion of the importance of this balance has been all but lost with the result that many people over strive in the outer world and can no longer slow down enough to connect meaningfully with themselves at an inner level this is very common pattern often manisfests as an emotional or mental 'lightness' an overactive mind or an ability to relax and 'switch off' this essence will help promote a state of inner relaxation in which new perspectives become possible as the consciousness of the mind and that of the heart come into greater balance.

use this essence to help create greater joy and light in your life despair and desponcy are emotions that are created when we are able to connect with our own inner light deeply traumatic experiances that feel overwhelming to the personality can sometimes result in the choice to close parts of ourselves away often these experiances are long buried in previous incarnations but the wounds are still there joy is the feeling that is generated when we are able to connect with and express our true selves to reconnect with the inner joy we must first release those feelings of despair and despondacy that we carry at a deep level this essence will help you to unravel and release the deep seated patterns that contribute to these feelings

helps to dissolve vibrations of anger and rage anger is a very normal human emotion yet it is also one of the more difficult emotions for us to own and bring into balance often this stems from a childhood where it was considered 'bad' or inapproatitae to express anger or rage. many people carry suppressed anger and rage which they can either be afraid to express or are hardly aware of because they have buried it so deeply this kind of buried anger can often act as a barrier to releasing other emotions that are more deeply layered

helps to strengthen and promote the qualities of inner resolve, strength, courage and determination many of us have areas of our lives where we still find it difficult to stand fully in our own power possibly as a result of old beliefs that tell us we lack the necessary inner strength and dtermination it can feel uncomfortable when we face up to the challenges presented to us in this way but also very rewarding as we see our inner strength and determination grow with each new experiance this essence will help to strengthen and promote the qualities of inner resolve strength courage and determination

helps to intergrate and unite the masculine and feminine polarities when the inner male and inner female energies are both honoured and used equally they complement each other so that the power strength and action of the masculine is balanced by tje inspiration creativity and wisdom of the feminine recieved through the heart chakra intergrating these two inner energies to work as a unified whole creates a profound shift in awareness that is the foundation for a much greater intergration of soul energy into everyday life as more of us reach this state of inner unity it will allow the division between masculine and feminine polarity that is the root of so many problems in our outer world to heal too

helps dissolve the pain of emotional attachment one of the most common patterns of all comes from a belief based on a misunderstanding about our relationship to love there is a general misperception that love is an emotion that is generated by someone or something outside of ourselves rather than an innate part of our being its a deeply ingrained pattern held inplace by many past experiances of seperation grief fear and loss it leads to unhealthy emotional attachments to people and situations often charactasied by control games and co dependant relationships it leads us to to hold onto old sitautions far too long either because it feels too emotionally painful to let go or because we do not wish to inflict pain upon another this essence will help to gently release old emotional pain leaving you stronger and more able to create loving relationships

supports openhearted truthful expression, particulary in close relationships from the perspective of the soul the personality is a veicle for the expression of its love and light on the physical plane of existance as well as a means of gathering experiance and knowledge this requires that all channels of communication are fully functioning at a pesronality level particulary the ability to allow openhearted communication with others. this essence will help to dissolve any blockages in the heart or throat chakras that are preventing honest and loving self expression particulary in close relationships not only will this greatly enhance your ability to communicate with those with whom you share your life it will promote a greater degree of communion with your soul.

Male essence


Male essence


helps to strengthen and balance the inner masculine principle in both women and men dissolves old patterning that prevents the full use of masculine qualities such as strength logical thinking and intiating action this combination will help to clear away any barriers prejudices or patterns that have formed in the personality around the perception of the masculine principle preventing full acceptance and use of this energy in your life this applies equally to women as it does to men masculine qualities tend to be those associated with the more logical side of our nature such as logical thinking strength power and the ability to manifest action in the world a wounded inner masculine is often charactised by difficulities in life with authority or father figures.

helpful for those who feel a lack of positive motivation or inspiration in life inner motivation is the force that we use to intiate action in our lives when our body mind emotions and spirit work in harmony with each other inspiration flowing through from our soul provides the impetus which fuels inner motivation however when this positive flow is reduced or cut off for some reason we can find ourselves experiancing feelings of stagnation lethargy and inertia because we lack the motivation to take positive action in our lives this essence will help to gently release and clear the blockages that lead to these feelings bringing renewed inspiration and motivation.

for those who need help to initiate or support change in thier lives as the connection between soul and personality strengthens new ideas understandings and inspiration begin to flow more freely into our everyday awreness usually this is accompanied by a wave of change as old ideas and ways of living are replaced by new seen from the perspective of the soul change is an essential part of growth however it can be something that the personality finds challenging stressful and difficult becuase it can appear to threaten carefully acquired comfort zones our soul will present us with opportunities for change and then wait for us to take action if the personality feels challenged by these 'opportunaties' for growth it can sometimes feel reluctant to step forward causing a stagnation in the natural flow of life. use this essence to help you connect withthe bigger picture of your life and to find the courage and strength to make change.

helps to transform poverty consciousness into abundance the huge collective belief pattern that there is not enough is at the root of many problems in our world today most obviously the huge imbalance in how we share planetary resources at an individual level this belief in poverty consciousness can lead us to experiance a lack of money joy love friendship work spiritual connection etc in our lives from the higher perspective of the soul true abundance is an integral part of our interconnection with source and freely available however many of us carry unconscious patterning that effectlvly blocks our ability to connect with this all important divine flow often lack of understanding of our part in the flow means that we are either not open to recieve it or do not understand how to use it and pass it on. this essence will help you to clear and transform the old patterning that prevents you from opening your heart chakra to connect with the flow of divine abundance in al its forms.

dissolves vibrations of impatience, frustration and irritabilty impatience and frustration are very common emotions in todays fast moving world where it is easy to forget that there is a place and time for everything if only we would follow the promptings of our own inner voice rather than the demands of the personality the energy of impaitence keeps us from being fully in the moment and often acts as as a defence against having to be still and face the emeotional turmoil of our inner world those who have this pattern very strongly often find it difficult to relate to others and can end up feling isolated in thier own world

supports non-judgemental uncondiotional acceptance our soul understands the language of the heart chakra which is unconditional love communication between soul and personality therefore takes place through the heart chakra rather than the mind currently unconditional love is not our 'default' setting for communication with each other or indeed ourselves one of the greatest blocks to this stems from our inability to be non judgmental and unconditionally accepting of ourselves when we deny that we are worthy of love we effectvly block the love and light of the soul from reaching the personality this essence gently helps to dissolve this lack of self acceptance promoting a greater degree of unconditional love for self and opening the channel for greater soul communion

use this essence to help transform feelings of resentment resentment is the meotion that bullds up when we are unable to own and express feelings of anger rage or hurt it closes the heart chakra effectivly blocking our ability to forgive or to see the higher perspective of the events of our lives deeply buried feelings of resentment about the past situations lead to a tendancy to blame others for percieved misfortunes feelings of bitterness and the often unconscious belief that we are a victim of circumstance. this essence will help to dissolve and transform unconsious or conscious feelings of resentment encouraging forgiveness and self responsibility in all areas of life.

promotes the ability to enjoy an open and natural expression of your sexuality innocent expression of our love for another human being through sexual expression is a beautiful form of communication that we can only experiance when we are in physical form sadly so many people find themselves unable to fully use their sexual energy due to the many restrictive and limiting belief patterns that have become a part of our collective consciousness down the ages blockages in the emotional and mental bodies relating to our sexuality result in an ability to be truly creative and make it difficult to relate to others in a natural state sexual energy is a powerful force which when combined with a open heart chakra can completley transform our ability to communicate in our inner and outer worlds this essence will help to transform these old patterns bringing new balance and freedom.

expands awreness and connection with spirit the more that we deepen our awareness and connection with spirirt through our soul the greater the quantity of healing light and love that is able to flow through all levels of our being as this light finally reaches deep into the cellular level of our physical body many profound changes take place as the cells and atoms of our body finally release the old patterns of density that have been formed over many lifetimes this is literally enlightment this essence helps to strengthen the connection with the soul and to remind our physical and energetic strctures how to absorb and use greater  quantities of light and love

promotes greater positivity, spontaneity and joy in life when we have experiances in childhood that we percieve as emotionally difficult or even dangerous in some way a part of us withdraws as a way of coping with the situation and is then unable to grow into maturity as an adult we can then feel incomplete or unable to function fully in some areas of life often this manifests as an inability to respond to life with positivity sponteinity and joy this essence will help you to reconnect with your inner child for healing and release of unresolved memories emotional issues and fears from childhood as the inner child is released to 'play' again so the adult also becomes free

use this essence to help expand the qualities of thankfulness and gratitude thankfulness and gratitude are amongst the most life enhancing and positive attitudes avaible to us when we are truly thankful for absolutly everything in our lives no matter what it is then we are at the doorway to freedom because we have understood that we are responsible for the events and situations that we draw into our lives as well as our choice of response to them blessing everything within your life with thankfulness no matter what it is is undoubtly a challenge but it is also the gateway to self mastery this essence will help to promote the qualities of thankfulness and gratitude.

supports the transformation of addictive behaviour of all kinds the belief that something outside of us can make us feel okay is a big pattern for many people today it isa symtom of the loss of connection with our soul and a consequent over reliance on our mind as a means of living life in this state our natural emotional flow becomes blocked and our mind constantly creates ways of diverting our attention away from our uncomfortable and often unconsciousness feelings of seperation for some people these are very deep family patterns that lead to the development of obsessional patterns of behaviour that are often distressing and destructive to all concerned this essence will help to work with the issues underlying this state bringing calmness and understanding

use this essence to help you connect more fully with your own inner wisdom stored in our soul memory is all the knowledge that we have previously acquired as well as the gifts and talents we have developed throughout our many lifetimes this personal data bank is the source of our inner wisdom but only becomes available to us as we allow the soul to become the guiding force in our lives most important in this respect is the ability to connect the mind with the soul through the heart chakra so that the mind serves the interests of the soul until we openheartedly acknowledge the greater perspective of the soul we will always be limited in pur perception of the world. this essence helps to forge a link between heart chakra mind and soul opening the doorways to source of our inner wisdom.

the divine harmony essences are a response to the needs of the moment for tools that can fully support our inner journey in these challenging times of change and expanding consciousness no matter what the issue that you maybe seeking help with begin by blessing it as a gift that can open the doorways to new understandings and ultimatley greater fufilment in your life troublesome issues whatever form they might take are simply signposts that are pointing us towards the need for more balance harmony and intergration in our own inner world. the set comes with an information leaflet giving a description of each essence and its use. you can choose a 10ml or 25ml size of bottle for your set.

What are the divine harmony essences?


The divine harmony essences are a powerful set of flower, gem and crystal essences providing the tools that can help us restore the balance between mind, emotions and spirit that will allow us to manifest our own highest potential. each combination contains a carefully selected blend of single flower essences and single crystal and gem essences and facillitates inner change and transformation that is gentle, effective and life changing.