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The Angel Essences


the angel essences are a set of twenty essences creating a bridge between your everyday world and that of the angelic realms, linking you into their web of light and higher consciousness. the twenty angel essences will help you to connect with the positive qualities of the angelic frequences that they carry, deepening these in your awareness. they are beautiful and deeply connecting essences to use and you can also use them for inspiration, illumination and to connect with angelic guidance.

the angel of beauty essence opens your heart, eyes, and mind to see the inherent beauty in all things more fully all natural forms are intrinsically beautiful there is even beauty in the natural process of decay the angel of beauty will encourage you to notice and appreciate that is all around you in your life helping to magnify it and guiding you to find it in unexpected places use the angel of beauty essence if you cant see your own inner beauty or if you want to attune more consciously to the eternal beauty of the world 

the angel of abundance will help you to remember that you live in an abundant universe and that you are part of the flow of divine universal energy within which there is plenty for everyone the angel of abundance essence will help you to feel abundant in heart and genourous in spirit so you can release feelings of lack or fear about not having enough. allow it to expand your capacity to give and recieve fully and freely, knowing that the divine is the source of all.

the angel of compassion essence awakens the vibration of compassion deep within your heart helping you to see everyone including yourself through the eyes of unconditional love and acceptance it will help you to dissolve the vibrations of judgement that cause seperation and instead take you deep into your heart use the angel of compassion essence if you want to awaken the true depth of compassionate presence that is a quality of your spiritual heart

the angel of determination has an energetic frequency that combines the qualities of strength focus and motivation it gives you the impetus to keep moving towards a goal or intention knowing that you have what it takes to succeed use angel of determination essence to awaken your ability to fufil your potential or when you need extra support to stay focused on your intentions, goals and priorities.

the angel of forgiveness is more powerful than any problem wound hurt or challenge that could be making it difficult to forgive yourself or others call upon the angel of forgiveness to bathe you and any challenging person or situation in the healing waters of forgiveness use the angel of forgiveness essence to open your heart to deeper acceptance of what has happened so you can move forward without guil, anger, hurt, blame or resentment towards yourself and others

the angel of glory carries a vibrational quality that is simiular to the energy of 'hosanna in excelsis' being sung by an angelic choir evoking awe celebration and magnificence this angel helps you to connect more fully with the glory of creation and to reconise how that glory and magnificence also resides within you use the angel of glory essence to feel uplifted, bask in the glory of creation, and celebrate how awe-inspiring the world truly is. take if you are ever feeling stuck, limited or insignificent glory of your soul and of life itself

the angel of grace comes to openour hearts so love can pour in and remind us of our inherent divinity open hearted expansive easeful its vibration brings forth the deep knowing that everything is always unfolding according to the divine plan aliging with the angel of grace allows space for more ease and flow to guide your life so that you remember that there is no need to struggle or try too hard to make things happen call upon the angel of grace when you feel in need of divine assistance

the angel of harmony brings forward the vibrations of balance and equilbrium call on its assistance when you need help to restore balance to the emotions and tranquility to the mind during times of turbulence and challenge use the angel of harmony essence to help you in situations that feel disharmonious dissonant or disrupted so that you can find your natural balance point and soul resonance once again

Angel of hope


Angel of hope


the angel of hope will gently guide and support you to keep the light of hope alive withtin your heart in times of difficulty or distress call on the angel of hope to help stand with you when you feel hopeless and to help you expand even the smallest glimmer of hope into a strong light that will uplift your heart and help you to keep trusting in the goodness of life use the essence at times of despair doubt darkness hopelessness distress or difficulty so you can find your way home to the light of your true presence

Angel of joy


Angel of joy


joy is the frequency of the heart call upon the angel of joy to help you ignite the spark of joy in your own heart centre so that you can experiance more of this wonderful uplifting frequency in your life use the angel of joy essence to help you connect to the frequency of joy especially if you feel sad fearful dark or disconnected

Angel of love


Angel of love


the angel of love works with the frequencies of unconditional love and will gently help you to acitivate this energy within your own heart chakra this essence invites you to remember that love is your true nature use the angel of love essence to open your heart, awaken more of your true nature, heal separation, and to transform anything that feels unlovable and unloved either within yourself, other people or in any aspect of your life

the angels of mercy carry the refined frequiencies of mercy in its highest form thier focus is the alieviation of suffering wherever there is a willingness and openness to recieve thier presence they work under the the new aqaurian age law of divine mercy which offers us all the oppourtunity to clear and release any karmic patterns call on the angel of mercy to help you to release old patterns that are currently holding you back use 

the angel of patience will help you to feel more deeply into the frequencies of patience where you cna remember how to relax into the ease and flow of divine timing call upon the angel of patiance when you want to slow down your busy mind release tension from your energy field use the angel of patience essence if you feel impatient with yourself, with others, or with how life is unfolding so you can awaken a deeper understanding of the wisdom and perfection of the flow of divine timing.

peace is a vibration that is almost available to us in the stillness found in the deepest recesses of our heart chakra call upon the angel of peace to assist you when you wish to bring this frequency more fully into your life ask the angel to stand with you so that you can tangiibly experiance the frequency of peace use the angel of peace essence if you are feeling troubled, at war with yourself, or battling with others and it will help you to experiance greater unity, acceptance, serenity, and calm.

the angel of purification brings a fresh clear purifying frequency into your life which can be called upon to cleanse and release anything that feels murky unsettled or dense its energetic frequency is like early morning sunshine sparkling on a mountain stream use the angel of purification essence to shower you in the pure light of consciousness. ask it to wash away anything that no longer resonates with you so that your true light can shine forth

the angel of strength will help you to reconnect with the vibration of strength at acore level so that you can live your life in a way that resonates with your inner truth even when that seems challenging or difficult call upon the angelof strength when you feel lacking in sufficient energy and strength to accomplish what life is asking of you either mentally emotionally physically or spirritually use the angel of strength essence when you doubt your own capacity and resolve or welcome its powerful energy into your life in times of adversity or self-doubt.

the angel of tranquility will help you to asscess your own inner centre of calm stillness so that it ts easier for you to experiance the vast expansiveness of your soul it quetiens your mind calms your emotions and helps your body to relax so you can drop deeper into a meditative space call upon the angel of tranquality when your mind is racing your emotions are turbulent or whenever you want to access a calm serene space of infinite tranqulity take this essnce whenever you want to enter a space of deep inner stillness and quiet calm in yourdaily life

the angel of transmutation elevates your energy raising your vibration frequency so you can experiance more of the lightness of your true being it has a alchemical energy transforming low frequency energies and liberating you from suffering use the angel of transmutation essence to raise your vibrational frequency at times of deep clearing and inner healing or when things feel too painful or difficult to cope alone.

the angel of truth essence will support and guide you to discover your inner truth and help you to express that truth with love in all situations. it will also help you to reconise that your truth is always relative to your current level of consciousness, so your truth will evolve and change as your consciousness expands.

the angel of wisdom will help and support you to access your own innate inner wisdom by strengthning the connection between the heart and brow chakras it will guide you to remember that knowledge becomes wisdom when we allow the vision of higher mind to interpret the knowledge we have gained from the perspective of the heart the angel of wisdom will guide you to listen to your inner guidance and true knowing so use this essencewhen you feel uncertain, dissconnected or self-doubting.

the angel essences each carry a vibrational frequency that will help to create a bridge between your everyday world and that of the angelic realms linking you into thier web of light and higher consciousness the 20 angel essences in this set will help you to connect with the positive qualities of the angelic frequencies that they carry deepining these in your awreness and facilitating change transformation and higher awareness the essences in this set come in dropper or spray versions the set comes in a attractive card box 

What are the Angel essences


each of the angel essences transmits a particular spiritual quality that reminds your energetic system of your own divine angelic blueprint. the angels will work with you through these vibrational essences so you can activate thier qualities for spiritual transformation and higher awreness call on them for angelic assistance divine inspiration illumination and guidance as you take these beautiful essences angel essences come in choice of dropper and spray versions so you can use them to transform your personal energy and the energy of your home or workplace.